Funeral Attendance Cards
5 Star Rated -

Funeral Attendance Cards

We have the best prices, the best quality and fastest turnaround for funeral order of service printing in the U.K trusted by 1000's of customers. We are a 5 star top-rated company for funeral stationery printing.
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Funeral Attendance Cards are used to keep record of those who came to attend your loved one’s funeral. 


Funeral services can be hectic, stressful, and hazy for the deceased’s family. During a funeral ceremony, attendees are requested to share recollections of the loved one, which can be hilarious, emotional, or intriguing. But how can you keep track of so many tales and insights? This card serves as a request to friends and family to share any heart-warming recollections they may have of the deceased. 


The record is kept so that the deceased’s family can thank the guest later on.


Funeral attendance cards are helpful for the following reasons:


  • The deceased’s family can thank the guest later on by sending them a thank-you card or some memorials.
  • By having an individual in attendance card, you can find out who attended the funeral without having to worry about it on that day.
  • Works as a keepsake to remember your loved ones through other people’s stories and tales.


Funeral Attendance Cards, ask your funeral guest to fill these out, so you know who attended the funeral


Looking for funeral order of service? Click here


Yes, you can match the attendance card design with funeral order of service or other funeral stationery designs.

Yes, we offer free funeral attendance card template. They can be easily customized using our free design tool.

Usually, funeral attendance cards are A6 (postcard size) but you can ask for custom sizes as well.

You can either hand out the attendance card with the funeral order of service as people come, or leave them on the seats.

Funeral attendance cards have space for guests to fill out their names and addresses. Once the guests have filled in the attendance card, it can be easily collected and the family can send the “Thank You” cards or some funeral favours as an appreciation for attending the funeral.

We have our online chat services available from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., and we reply within a few minutes. Also, you can email us at [email protected]. We’ll have a log of written communication, so that we have clarity and a clear understanding of our communications.

You’ll get a confirmation email after you have placed your order.

Funeral Attendance Cards are used to keep track of who attended the funeral of your loved one. They are made to keep things organized, reduce stress on the day of the funeral, and provide you a precise list of attendees, so that you can thank them later.

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